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IT organizations of all sizes are continually challenged to reduce costs and simplify operations. Cost savings initiatives are always important to improve profitability, especially when revenues are decreasing or flat.

Fortunately, HCL BigFix provides several key ways to slash costs while improving IT processes and staff productivity.

Automate Compliance

Patch and regulatory compliance as cyberattack continue to rise and threaten business operations. BigFix continuously enforces configuration compliance with thousands of out-of-the-box security checks aligned with industry-standard security benchmarks, and speeds reporting.

Consolidate Tools

Many organizations have unintentionally created management silos, often based on operating system, requiring a specialized staff and numerous infrastructure components. BigFix can help organizations consolidate tools, reduce costs and improve staff efficiency.

Ensure Your Work from Home Endpoint Fleet is Secure and Compliant.

This BigFix Work From Home Solution Guide walks you through how HCL BigFix helps you enroll, deploy, secure and support remote endpoints, enabling your entire workforce to work from home while ensuring continuous, secure business operations.

Automate Compliance

Patch and regulatory compliance as cyberattack continue to rise and threaten business operations. BigFix continuously enforces configuration compliance with thousands of out-of-the-box security checks aligned with industry-standard security benchmarks, and speeds reporting.

Reduce Software Costs

Reduce software costs by identifying unused or underused licenses, and dramatically reducing the time required to conduct a comprehensive software asset inventory.

Speed Patching

Patch cycles, inclusive of remediation of failed patches, are often long and labor intensive. BigFix helps speed patch cycles by providing pre-build Fixlets for many operating systems and third-party applications. The BigFix autopatch capability specifically speeds initial testing of patches.

Save Energy

Implementing power management across all managed desktops can reduce power consumption, energy costs, and security risk.

Try BigFix Today!

One endpoint management platform enabling IT Operations and
Security teams to automate discovery, management and remediation

– whether its on-premise, virtual, or cloud – regardless of operating
system, location or connectivity.