Professional Services
To secure the IT landscape, IT Managers and CIOs have been acquiring fragmented and dispersed technologies over the years to address the many challenges their complex environments face. Clients have as many as 85 different security products from 45 different vendors. All of them have to be installed, configured, learned, managed, patched and upgraded. Given the lack of skilled resources to help manage the security and IT Landscape, the challenge is even further. This ad-hoc approach is costly and complex, yet many organizations think that if they have coverage in these areas, then they’re protected. The coverage is important – True, but are they integrated, working together across multiple teams, locations, and platforms? Do they offer the visibility needed to confidently claim the organization is protected? Realistically, how can any security professional gain any valuable insight and control when all they see is this type of operational complexity?
Disconnected point products and services are expensive, hard to manage, and cannot solve today’s challenges. We help you establish a security immune system backed by analytics, real-time defenses and proven experts, so you can make strategic decisions about how to safeguard your business.
To maximize your return on investment in AgentX high-performance enterprise systems and security management solutions, we offer robust professional services. AgentX professional services dramatically accelerate your success by utilizing the experience and know-how of talented technical professionals with vast capabilities in platform engineering, custom development, integration, remote and on-site training, and full lifecycle project management.
Our field-tested professionals are skilled in harnessing the massively scalable architecture of our solutions, while world-class project managers employ the most efficient project toolsets and technical business analysis methodologies. A majority of AgentX professional services are delivered remotely via WebEx and VPN, which allows us to assign the right expert to your project and help lower your costs.