
If you ever had any doubt on whether cybersecurity applies to you and your business, here are some statistics and projections that will prove to you that cyber-crime is a reality and it is happening all around you. The risk of cyber-attack is imminent, and you should do everything you can to combat cyber-crime and to protect your business against data breaches.

Cyber-crime is real and it is becoming more advanced and more common every day. Are you doing everything you can to safeguard your business from reputational damage, and not to mention the impact a sensitive data leak could have on your business, your customers, your employees, or suppliers

Over the coming weeks, we will share some critical cybersecurity stats that you should be cognisant of. After all, prevention is better than cure.

Cybersecurity Statistic #1

If ever there was any doubt on the impact of cyber-crime this statistic certainly puts it into perspective.
The damage related to cybercrime is projected to hit $6 trillion annually by 2021, according to Cybersecurity Ventures.

Cybersecurity Statistic #2

All it takes is a click on a “phishing” email or unsecured URL. 
Hackers attack every 39 seconds, on average 2,244 times a day. This is according to a study by the Maryland University. 

Cybersecurity Statistic #3

Did you know that regardless of how many new cyber vulnerabilities you’ll hear of or read about, your employees account for the largest by far.
The internal threat posed by employees that are cyberthreat unaware and ignorant towers above any other threat. Verizon found that almost all malware arrived on computers via email and that was accurate for 94% of cases.

While on the topic, the number one type of social engineering attack is PHISHING, accounting for more than 80% of reported incidents.

Ensure that you understand all the potential cybersecurity risks faced by your business and that you have adequate protection in place.
We offer free cybersecurity health checks and can tailor-make solutions to fit and secure your unique business, BIG or small.

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